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PHI Security – How MicroMD Protects Your Data

PHI Security

How MicroMD Protects Your Data

Securing patients’ protected health information (PHI) is one of Henry Schein MicroMD’s top priorities. In a world where hackers may do nothing more than search for and expose vulnerabilities in computer software (PHI Breaches, Source: HHS), we take pride in providing an electronic medical record solution that goes above and beyond the standard security protections. Quite simply, our software security measures work.

Securing patient data is not only a mandate of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 2006 (Overview of HIPAA and HITECH Security Requirements), but it’s also a requirement when attesting for meaningful use as part of the CMS Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. To meet Meaningful Use, eligible professionals must conduct a Security Risk Analysis in both Stage 1 and Stage 2 to ensure patients’ health information is protected, with an additional encryption/security analysis done in Stage 2 and a requirement to make fixes to any identified risks:

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MicroMD takes HIPAA and Meaningful Use requirements seriously, which is why we’ve built security features into our PM, EMR and cloud-based software solutions to protect PHI. While not every feature is mandatory to implement, the more you utilize, the more secure your protected data is. Here’s a breakdown of the protections available in MicroMD products.

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