If you are reading this, it is likely that MACRA, QPP, or MIPS affects your practice in some way. With that being said, have you ever wondered what brought these programs to light and why they have evolved into what they are today? In this eBook, we will discuss the following…
- What is MACRA, QPP, and MIPS?
- What brought about these regulatory programs?
- Why are they important to both patients and providers?
- How have the programs changed over the past three years for providers?
- What are some of the benefits and challenges that have been experienced?
- What are the hopes for the future of these programs?
- In what ways does healthcare technology play a role?
In order to approach anything with confidence, you first need to have the knowledge to do so. This eBook sheds light on MACRA, MIPS, QPP, and many of the intricacies surrounding all of these regulatory programs that affect your practice.