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EMR Inactive Certifications

EMR Inactive Certifications

Complete Inactive CEHRT List

Product Name/Version Certification Type ONC-ACB
Certification ID
MicroMD EMR Version 14 2015 Edition 0015EBD93WHH6F8
MicroMD EMR Version 15 2015 Edition 0015E3HYA5ZBE71
expressChart EMR Version 2.0 2015 Edition 0015ECP6HT2AVN3
MicroMD EMR Version 16 2015 Edition 0015EKF2XRF62H1
MicroMD EMR Version 17 2015 Edition 0015ESR8ZV3V129
MicroMD EMR Version 18 2015 Edition 0015EB5WBJ6FTU5
MicroMD EMR Version 19 2015 Edition 0015C3PC9C1252Z

For a complete list of our retired certifications, please visit our developer information page on the CHPL site.

Cost and Limitations for MicroMD EMR

There are no known limitations that a user may encounter in the course of implementing and using this Complete EHR or Health IT Module’s capabilities, whether to meet meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the health IT’s certification.

This certified product-version requires costs associated with implementing and include a one-time cost associated with training and yearly maintenance charges associated with the Henry Schein Secure Chart patient portal and Direct transmissions using Surescripts CIN.

Cost and Limitations for expressChart EMR

This certified product-version may require one-time costs for establish interfaces for reporting to immunization registries and public health agencies (170.315.f.2. 170.315.f .3, 170.315.f.4) Support for integration of this certified product-version with other ONC certified systems may require additional one-time costs.

This certified product-version may require an annual subscription fee for transitions of care summaries 180.315(b)(1).  For transitions of care summaries outside the product’s HISP network, this certified product-version may require fees per transaction.

There is a 1 year minimum contract period required.