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Meaningful Use Certified EHR Software | MicroMD

ONC Health IT Certifications

View our CEHRT EMR product certification.

Available as a client-server or cloud-based software, MicroMD EMR is a scalable and flexible solution that allows you to improve efficiency, maximize growth, and meet changing payment program and regulatory requirements.

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What does CEHRT stand for?

Certified Electronic Health Record Technology

What is the ONC Health IT certification?

The (ONC) Health IT program was established to provide certification of health IT standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria. This is a voluntary program.

Why is a certified EMR important?

You must use a certified EHR to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. Using a CEHRT means your system qualifies you to get compensated under Meaningful Use.

Are you confident in your practice’s ability to be successful in the 2022 Performance Year? Stay up-to-date on QPP, MIPS, and MACRA.

Read our eBook, “2022 Quality Payment Program Changes”


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