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EMR & EHR Incentive Programs | MicroMD

EMR Incentive Center

EHR Systems and EMR Incentive Programs

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has reinvented how providers use information technology. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, a part of ARRA, calls for incentive payments to promote information technology throughout the healthcare community. Electronic health record (EHR) systems are a primary focus for physician practices of every size. Much of the billions of dollars that will go to physicians, hospitals, and community health centers to help them offset their costs for implementing electronic medical records has been and will continue to be administered through the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs.

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What do you need to know about the CMS EHR incentive program?

Many physicians and healthcare organizations are facing uncharted territory in the effort to align themselves with the federal goals of improving patient care and coordination, effectively managing public health data and improving efficiencies in the delivery of healthcare. The signing of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) earmarked $31 billion dollars dedicated to healthcare IT initiatives through the HITECH Act. A main focus of the HITECH Act is electronic medical record implementation and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is offering incentive reimbursements to eligible providers and hospitals to help drive EMR adoption.

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Learn How To Manage A Successful Electronic Medical Record Implementation

Whether you are considering an EHR for the first time or thinking of replacing your current software, EMR implementation can make or break the successful adoption by providers. This is especially critical when a provider is enrolling in one of the CMS EHR Incentive Programs. If a provider is not able to (or doesn’t want to) meaningfully use an EMR, the chance of securing incentive reimbursements is greatly reduced. Review the tips below to help you plan for a successful implementation.

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Learn How To Select an Electronic Medical Record Vendor Wisely

Don’t wait

Selecting and implementing electronic medical records doesn’t happen in a day. Take the time, well before being ready to implement a new system, to select the vendors to include on a short list to evaluate. Build time for decision making into the implementation timeline. Realistically, a successful implementation could take up to 2 months. Implementation of both foundational HIT platforms could be up to 3 months. Keep in mind that an implementation launch is dependent on mutual availability of resources of the software vendor and the organization seeking to go live with electronic medical records.

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Our Commitment To Certification Through All The States Of Meaningful Use

A Commitment to Our Clients

To help providers achieve their own cost and quality benefits, HITECH will reward those who invest in EHR technology. Physicians will be required to demonstrate “Meaningful Use” of a certified EHR, including the use of e-Prescribing, clinical data exchange and outcomes reporting capabilities. MicroMD EMR from Henry Schein is already well positioned to help physicians maximize their incentive payments in year one and beyond. And the MicroMD development team continues to monitor emerging requirements. Henry Schein is committed to maintaining EHR certification requirements, helping you comply with all relevant HITECH and HIPAA rules and supporting your organization as healthcare enters a new era of automation.

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Henry Schein MicroMD Electronic Medical Records Version 17

Henry Schein MicroMD EMR Version 17 has achieved 2015 Edition Complete Ambulatory EHR ONC Health IT Certification, which designates that the software is capable of meeting providers needs in interoperability, security, clinical efficiency, and care coordination activities. These are all required for successful participation in CMS payment and incentive programs. Henry Schein MicroMD EMR has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

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Links To Other Sources Of Reliable Info


Navigating the multitude of regulations associated with the CMS EHR Incentive Programs can be challenging. Understanding how to help achieve the goals for health information technology and securing EMR reimbursement incentives is not as simple as just purchasing and using software. As a provider, we recommend that you tour the information presented on our Electronic Medical Record Incentive Center for an overview.

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