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EHR Incentive Program Registration, Timeline

EMR Incentive Center

FAQs Program Registration

What do You Need to Know About Registering for a CMS EHR Incentive Program?

Eligible providers need to select either a Medicare or a Medicaid CMS EHR Incentive Program for which to register. The Medicare reimbursement program is federally managed so that it is consistent across all states and requires a single registration through the CMS EHR website. The deadline to register and begin attesting to Meaningful Use for Medicare to receive reimbursements was 2014, however providers are still able to register for and attest through the Medicare CMS EHR Incentive Program to avoid payment penalty adjustments.

The Medicaid program is administered by the individual states so registration is slightly different in that providers will need to register through the CMS website, select the single state from which they seek reimbursement and then register with the selected state Medicaid organization. Medicaid is allowing providers to register for and begin Meaningful Use all the way until the last year of the program, which is 2021, however providers will not be able to collect the maximum potential incentives unless they begin the Medicaid program by the year 2016.

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