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EMR Software for Pediatrics

Pediatric EMR System

Specialty Specific Content for a Growing Pediatric Practice

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African-American Doctor interacts with young male patient

How MicroMD Helps Pediatric Physicians

Immunization & Vaccine Registry Interfaces

Standard pediatric templates for reminders, current CDC guidelines, and more available for immunizations and vaccines.

Robust Screening Library

Integration with CHADIS provides a library of over 800 common screenings with automated electronic delivery including Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, M-CHAT, developmental screenings, and age specific safety checklists.

Standard & Customizable Templates

Enjoy point and click, text, or Dragon to navigate encounter for well child or sick visits, and age specific wellness templates.

Pediatric EMR to Help Your Practice THRIVE

Growth Charts with MicroMD

Growth charts enable a pediatrician to track patients growth over time to ensure good health. MicroMD’s EMR provides the capability to track, either Infant or Child, height, weight, and more.

You can view a patient’s growth history up until the age of 21, if you have recorded growth history over time. By clicking the Growth button in MicroMD EMR, you can display graphs to then maximize, print, and export to an image. From there, these images are easily shared with a patient or a patient’s parents. These graphs are also easily adjustable by Infant, Child, or Down Syndrome to reflect a patient’s needs.

EMR Pediatric Growth Chart
Development TestingEach test will display a new window – the one for gross motor skills will present with sliders for the clinician to adjust as testing is completed.

Denver II Pediatric Development Testing

Pediatricians can use the Denver II Pediatric Development testing to track growth and development, too. Tests on gross motor skills, social skills, language, and more can be conducted within this module of MicroMD EMR.

All of the information collected can be selected and then viewed as a graph to provide a better depiction of a child’s growth and overall developmental progress. You can select to perform all tests or just one. A clinician may also choose to perform only tests that are age appropriate or all.

Hearing and Vision Screening

Pediatricians can easily screen and record hearing and vision for pediatric patients within Vision Screening and Hearing Screening windows of MicroMD EMR.

Within the patient’s chart you can review the details of the exam, graph the details, and write a report about the exam in the list if you so choose. MicroMD makes it easy to add, edit, or delete hearing or vision examinations as needed for your patient.

vision screening
dosage calculator

Medication Dosage Calculator

The Dosage Manager within MicroMD EMR provides you with the ability to view recommended dosage for the medication you are looking to prescribe to your patient. From there, you can calculate based on the patient’s height and weight the recommended dose. The recommended dosage information provided comes directly from the national drug database.

The system provides recommended dosages for medications based on the planned use for the drug. Prescribing providers can set parameters in the Dosage Calculator section of their system (weight, daily dosage, frequency) and click Calculate to display the final calculation result. Providers can also easily convert milligrams to milliliters with MicroMD EMR, even though the default is mg.

MicroMD EMR Provides These Smart Pediatric Features…

Add on Solutions for a Patient-Centered Primary Care Practice


Easily send appointment reminders, birthday messages, and practice newsletters through call, text, or email to patients at your practice to reduce no shows and manual work done by your staff.

MicroMD Virtual Visits
powered by Medpod

Telehealth with Medpod provides a browser-based platform for easy, virtual visits anytime, anywhere with encrypted video, configurable virtual waiting rooms, eligibility verification and more.


Inbound and outbound electronic faxing solution to assist your practice in sending, receiving, and managing faxes to boost efficiency, reduce expenses, and more.

Provide your pediatric practice with software to work smart and thrive today.

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