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EMR Systems for Small Practices

EMR for Small Practice

EMR refers to a paperless medical record keeping system that both doctors and other healthcare professionals may use to manage patient data, including history, prescriptions, scheduled procedures and appointments.

The medical records of a patient are recorded in electronic, computerized format (Electronic Medical Records or EMR) for easy EMR storage, retrieval and manipulation.

The goal of an EMR system is to provide increased efficiency within the medical environment in terms of diagnosis, care and accurate patient billing.

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EMR Systems for Small Practices

The selection of the appropriate EMR system for a small physician practice should follow an evaluation of the practices’ budget, functionality, requirements and existing computer infrastructure.

Small physician practices can benefit from an EMR system that is tailored specifically to the needs of their office.

The objectives of a small medical clinic or doctor’s office in converting to an EMR environment are often to reduce costs, convert to a virtual paperless record environment and improve the quality and efficiency of patient care.

These reflect many of the same goals of a larger medical practice, but the application may be different.

A small MD office should consider an EMR software solution based on its ease of use, flexibility, portability and speed. These attributes may be evaluated and explained by the designated EMR vendor representative.

EMR System Characteristics

An EMR system incorporates an array of features that make efficient handling of medical data possible.

Because of the digital environment that an EMR system functions under, speed and accuracy of information retrieval are a main beneficial attribute.

A computerized system for information input and recovery involves easy navigation and quick searching capabilities. Automatic notifications and alerts for doctors and upcoming patient care and testing are also a part of quality EMR systems.

The entire medical staff and sectors of operation can be networked together through an EMR system providing timely data and test result information to appropriate care providers.

A physician is enabled to have a consolidated view of a patient’s EMR file at his fingertips, including progress notes, lab results, and procedure outcome reports.

Meaningful Use EMR

Meaningful Use EMR has become the benchmark standard required for EMR vendors’ software systems going forward.

Certain criteria have been developed and placed into law under the banner of “Meaningful Use” EMR designed to promote and advance the safety, care, health and privacy concerns of individuals.

Also, the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology or CCHIT sets the standards for vendor EMR certification. EMR vendor certification compliance under CCHIT EMR regulations has become necessary to obtain recognition in the industry as a legitimate EMR service provider.

Ask Us About EMR Systems for Small Practices

MicroMD is part of Henry Schein Medical Systems and a qualified, certified EMR vendor offering a premium EMR Software Solution capable of efficiently handling all aspects of the workflows within both small and large medical practice environments.

MicroMD can help you understand all the aspects of an EMR system for small practices including the revenue cycle and EMR system plus EMR Stimulus incentives.

For more information about our MicroMD EMR systems for small businesses or even large practices, please call us Toll Free at 1-800-624-8832 or contact our [popup_trigger id=”17720″ tag=”span”]EMR Sales[/popup_trigger] department.

MicroMD EMR is a strong program to help manage clinical functions. The customizeable templates make the soware easy to use without a problem. Whenever I have a question about something my support representative is always quick to respond; their assistance and product knowledge is excellent.”
- Issam Al-Turk, MD,Sandusky Medical and Pain Center