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Electronic Medical Record Training

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Training for Clients

Efficient Client EMR Training

The best planned EMR implementation projects must share a common factor for long-term success. That one factor is the implementation of an efficient client training procedure for converting to electronic medical records and meeting Meaningful Use EMR requirements.

EMR incentives can help a medical organization or small clinic changing over to an ONC approved and certified EMR System. However, it is also imperative to have leaders overseeing the electronic medical record training processes who understand the particular needs and present abilities of their staff.

EMR Trainers

An EMR vendor may conduct electronic medical records training programs for clients on site, making it easier for the abstracting patient medical charts strategy and EMR implementation.

In certain instances, a select group of office representatives may be sent to the vendor’s site for electronic medical records training.

The method of electronic medical records training may depend on the size of the client’s office. For smaller offices, it may be feasible for the entire staff to be involved in the initial complete EMR software training process.

For larger medical facilities and offices, EMR trainers will often train a select number of individuals as super-users. This method of EMR training is advantageous for reducing costs and minimizing work hours lost for the rest of the staff.

In-house EMR trainers also tend to understand the culture of their practice and its workflow environment, making them better teachers for the group. Super-users should be chosen who represent the various sectors of the medical practice so that the end users will have an EMR trainer to learn from in their own respective environment.

EMR Training Program

A training plan should involve ways to train around the daily routines of medical staff and provide for all participants to attend some form of uninterrupted training sessions.

Blocks of time should be scheduled for participants to learn the fundamentals of their portion of the EMR system’s operation.

Gradual training is usually necessary because of the different modules that need to be learned such as scanning, charting data entry, electronic prescriptions, lab results and EMR dictation training.

Even though the vendor will provide a complete and comprehensive electronic medical record training manual, leaders and super-users sometimes develop simplified training cheat sheets for end users to simplify the understanding of accomplishing tasks without having to search through a large manual for instructions.

Recorded visual demonstrations by the EMR vendor which can be referred to by users may be helpful for reference and later instruction. Available online training sources may be used as complimentary tools to assist the main EMR training program.

Post Live EMR Training

Electronic medical records training should not stop with the EMR implementation.

Ongoing EMR training by super-users and staff is necessary to ensure the continuing transition goes as smoothly as possible.

In-house electronic medical record training leaders can get continued electronic medical records software education and training by attending user conferences and seminars held by their particular EMR software vendor if available.

They also may request additional training or online classes provided by the EMR software vendor to reinforce their skills. Leaders and super-users should make continual assessments of how well their staff is performing within their new EMR system.

Currently evaluating software for your medical practice? Talk to Us about EMR and PM Software

MicroMD offers an EMR software solution that has been created specifically for managing the workflow of a wide array of medical and surgical practices.

Operating under Henry Schein Medical Systems, and the respected Henry Schein name, MicroMD EMR represents the powerful workflow streamlining solution you need to increase productivity and service capacity of your medical practice. Check out our Practice Management Solutions.

Ready to schedule a demo to see our MicroMD EMR and PM software in action? Request a live demo or simply give us a call at 1-800-624-8832.