MicroMD is ready to help you attest for the EHR Incentive Program
Recently, CMS released the 2015-2017 EHR Incentive Program Final Rule. MicroMD is currently analyzing the new Final Rule and will continue to provide updates relating to its impact on MicroMD EMR.
What you need to know for 2015 attestation:
- The 2015-2017 EHR Incentive Program Final Rule does not require the current version of MicroMD EMR to be recertified. 2014 Certified EHRs are valid for program use through 2017.
- The CMS portal for attestation is currently not accessible as it is being updated to accommodate the changes. This portal will re-open on January 4, 2016 to permit attestation for the 2015 reporting year. You will have until February 29, 2016 to attest for 2015.
- EPs must run the Objective Measure Report Stage 2 regardless of current reporting stage and utilize this data for submission.
- CMS has renumbered the current objective measures, as well as removed several measures due to being redundant, duplicative, or topped out with new participants.
- Due to the changes, EPs should pay close attention to the objective measure titles when attesting to ensure that the appropriate data is being matched to the new measure numbers. Please visit the MicroMD Lounge for critical information relating to Meaningful Use.
- It is strongly recommended that EPs review the CMS website for full Meaningful Use details on these changes.
Why is this important to be aware of?
- Some of the measures in the 2014 Meaningful Use requirements have been difficult for many practices to meet, particularly those measures relating to patient electronic access. The Modified Stage 2 requirements provide an easier achievement of the modified measure in these areas. This will result in higher attestation success.
What you need to know for 2016:
- There will be various options for attestation. MicroMD is formulating plans to accommodate all attestation options and will provide details on release dates in upcoming client alerts.
- As always we continue to be committed to develop everything you need for best success.
- More resources relating to the Final Rule are available on CMS website by clicking here.
- Internal MicroMD resources relating to Meaningful Use are available on the MicroMD Lounge under Reference Materials, Tools to help you prepare for Meaningful Use and Attestation.