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Sep 27

Need an interface to earn bonus credit for either Medicare QPP ACI Measure Set?

Or to meet Stage 2 or Stage 3 Medicaid EHR Incentive Program requirements?

Interfaces to MicroMD EMR can help maximize Medicare QPP MIPS payment adjustments and/or meet EHR Incentive Program requirements for CPOE and Public Health Reporting measures and objectives. If interested in adding an interface for bonus credit for registry reporting Medicare QPP ACI or to meet requirements for both Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, MicroMD is offering a 25% discount on interfaces with purchase commitment by September 30, 2017.

Payment and Incentive Program Interfaces Eligible for 25% Discount

MIPS QPP – ACI Transition Measure Set

MIPS QPP – ACI Transition Measure Set

Immunization Registry: ACI Bonus – 0 or 10% Score
Syndromic Surveillance: ACI Bonus – 5%
Specialized Registry: ACI Bonus – 5

MIPS QPP – ACI Measure Set

MIPS QPP – ACI Measure Set

Immunization Registry: ACI Bonus – 0 or 10% Score
Syndromic Surveillance: ACI Bonus – 5%
Specialized Registry: ACI Bonus – 5

EHR Incentive Program – Stage 2 & Stage 3

EHR Incentive Program – Stage 2 & Stage 3

Lab Orders: Requirement
Immunization Registry, Syndromic Surveillance, Specialized Registry: Requirement

Ready to get started? Pick your program above and see how. Then contact John Webb, Client Insights Manager to discuss adding your selected lab and registry interface(s).

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