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Online Prescribing without a Full EMR System

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MicroMD e-Prescribing is a standalone eRx only software that doesn’t require an EMR system to operate. Available as a cloud or server solution, it is simple to use and provides advanced features to more familiar capabilities like instant prescription routing and streamlined refill management.

ePrescribe Your Patient’s Prescriptions Safely and Accurately

Comprehensive Medication History

Review a list of medications that a patient has received from any provider right from within your e-prescribing workflow.

Integrated Eligibility Verification

Easily access your patient’s prescription coverage details for scheduled appointments and prescription requests at the point of care.

Formulary Checking

Select the most affordable options for your patients and advance adherence to drug treatment plans with access to drug formulary data.

Electronic Prior Authorizations

Automatically identify and quickly process authorizations at the point of care. No modification requests. No frustrating back-and-forth phone calls.

Real-time Prescription Benefit

View medication costs and therapeutic alternatives in real time at the point of care. Boosting compliance among your patient base.

Keep Up To Date with e-Prescribing Regulations

Prescribe controlled substances and access your state’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data to complement and add value to your standalone e-Prescribing software.

Powerful, Certified, and Secure EPCS Framework

MicroMD EPCS Gold features DrFirst’s EPCS Gold robust DEA certified framework integrated with the secure, reliable Surescripts eRx transmission network. Prescribers can rest assured that using this powerful combination, integrated directly into the MicroMD eRx workflow, will assist them in meeting both Federal and varying state requirements for EPCS – all while not having to leave your e-Prescribing software.

PDMP Access Within Existing EPCS Workflow

Access your existing state Prescription Drug Monitoring Program data which allows you to see what is already prescribed – eliminating patient access to excess medication with no disruption to your workflow.