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Meaningful Use EMR – Features & Functionality | MicroMD

Meaningful Use Features

Complete 2014 Edition CEHRT Meaningful Use EMR Functionality and Features

Providers interested in securing incentive reimbursement from the CMS EHR Incentive Program need to be using a certified EMR in order to achieve meaningful use requirements. But, selecting an EMR shouldn’t just be about whether an EMR is certified. The key is to select a meaningful use EMR that is easy to use, contains at-a-glance features to track success in achieving meaningful use and is customizable for your specialty and practice.

Adhering to the requirements of any new government program can be daunting. Which is why we designed MicroMD EMR with eligible professionals (EPs) in mind. MicroMD EMR helps providers navigate the new workflows and requirements providers will need to implement and meet in order to secure financial EHR incentives.

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Meaningful Use Functionality

In addition to the already simple yet powerful MicroMD EMR functionality, such as flexible charting options, specialty specific content, e-Prescribing and alerts, MicroMD EMR, meaningful use EMR, incorporates meaningful use functionality that allows providers and staff tools to achieve, monitor and attest to meaningful use.

  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 core and menu set objective features – objective measure selection and set up, required data fields, automatic calculation of % completion and real-time attestation reporting
  • 2015 CQM features – CQM measure selection and setup, required data fields, automatic calculation of % completion and real-time attestation reporting
  • Quality measures button – an at-a-glance alert for providers to know whether a chart or encounter meets meaningful use requirements, as well as which data fields need completion
  • CDA functionality – allows for the export of patient health records based on required information
  • Henry Schein Secure Chart Patient Portal – allows for a 2-way exchange of information between patients and providers
  • Interoperable connectivity – HL7 interfaces available for HIE, lab and registry connectivity

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Meaningful Use Features

Software implementation and training: To ensure long-term adoption of MicroMD EMR meaningful use functionality

MicroMD training and implementation staff are well-versed in practice-specific EMR set up and ways to help staff and providers ensure a successful go-live and adoption of the new meaningful use functionality and features. Onsite training and tools, including Quick Reference Guides and online video tutorials. One-on-one training is also available to help the providers and staff understand the meaningful use functionality in-depth, as well as how the organization can achieve meaningful use as quickly, efficiently and effectively as possible.

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Incentive Monitoring Service: Guidance to successfully achieve meaningful use

Consider enlisting the help of experts who understand every nuance of MicroMD EMR and the meaningful use requirements register for our EMR Incentive Monitoring Service. Offered exclusively to MicroMD EMR clients, the consultative service is designed to guide providers through successful adoption and consistent use of MicroMD EMR functionality. The service includes periodic monitoring, usage analysis and one-on-one coaching to help providers achieve meaningful use quickly and efficiently.

Our guarantee: Ensure MicroMD EMR helps providers achieve meaningful use for the long-term

Our commitment does not stop at Stage 2. With three stages of meaningful use for providers to achieve through the duration of the incentive program, providers need to rely on a meaningful use EMR that will help them secure reimbursements from Day 1 to the last. We will continue to enhance future versions of MicroMD EMR to meet the evolving meaningful use requirements.

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