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Feedback Request

Give us the good, the bad, the ugly. We want to hear it.

Dylan Halladay
My name is Dylan Halladay, and I oversee the MicroMD product and development efforts at Henry Schein Medical Systems.

Are we missing a feature? Do you have an idea on how we can improve our product?

Reach out and let us know. We take all your feedback very seriously. While we may not be able to follow up or implement every single idea submitted, our teams regularly review every idea. MicroMD is built for you, so help us help you. We appreciate any thoughts you throw our way.

We put together a few ways you can have your voice heard.

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Shoot Me an Email

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 Submit an Online Request

Visit our feedback page and select EMR or PM Search to see if your suggestion currently exists.

If not, submit your own!

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 Give Me a Call

We would love to speak to you for 30 minutes. Reach out and we’ll schedule a convenient time.


We at HSMS look forward to your feedback.
Thank you, Dylan Halladay and the Product Management team