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Patient Engagement

Patient Engagement Leads to Patient Compliance

If your practice operates like many others across the country, it is running into challenges when it comes to engaging with patients. Patients who engage with their provider typically have higher compliance in their treatment plans, but the challenge is garnering their participation.

Your practice staff are flooded with other tasks that need to be accomplished each day. It can feel like there is not enough time in the day, enough money for staffing, or the budget for outside tools to really address patient engagement issues at your practice. Other barriers to patient engagement include the following…

Patients are inundated with information every day.

Patients have limited access to necessary engagement tools.

Practices do not get paid for efforts made to engage with patients.

Engaging with patients is crucial to patient empowerment, treatment plan success, and more for your practice.

Patient Engagement Barriers At-a-Glance

Patient engagement comes in many forms, these can include, patient portal access, email communication, digital patient intake processes, and more. All of these provide patients with a way to interact with your practice outside of the office, check in on care plan information, and make informed healthcare decisions.

According to PatientCo, there are a list of challenges that affect the deployment of engagement tools. Nearly all of the concerns stem from practice concerns, uncertainty, or cost.

With 70% of patients stating that they would prefer electronic communications over paper. This alone should aid in addressing concerns doctors have regarding patient adoption of these engagement tools.

Patient Engagement in Perspective

Patient Engagement Leads to Patient Compliance

If your practice operates like many others across the country, it is running into challenges when it comes to engaging with patients. Patients who engage with their provider typically have higher compliance in their treatment plans, but the challenge is garnering their participation.

Your practice staff are flooded with other tasks that need to be accomplished each day. It can feel like there is not enough time in the day, enough money for staffing, or the budget for outside tools to really address patient engagement issues at your practice. Other barriers to patient engagement include the following…

Patient Engagement at a Private Family Practice in Malta, NY

This private family practice in upstate NY has been thriving for over 10 years. The success this practice has reaped can be directly linked to the relationship that the staff and doctor has built with the patients at the practice. Continuous engagement has helped them to foster and shape a positive patient base.

At this practice in Malta, the doctor has three engagement strategies. One is patient surveys. Instead of cherry picking individual patients who should receive the survey, and potentially appearing biased, the whole patient base receives a survey. Every patient at the practice receives the same survey on the same day. This survey purely serves to collect patient feedback so the practice can make improvements in the future. They have also instituted a comment box where patients can leave anonymous comments, if they please. From there, the doctor personally reaches out to the patients that he can to address the concern or thank the patient for the praise. This kind of interaction shows each patient that their feedback is appreciated and respected. The last engagement tactic this practice delves into is engaging with former patients. The doctor and his care team reach out to every patient who decides to discontinue care. This often provides insight into what changes can made at the office.

Through these ongoing initiatives, this family practice in Malta is continuously somersaulting through change after change. These changes are based on concrete feedback and involvement from the ones that matter most to the practice’s continued success – their patients.

Patient Engagement Tools & Your Practice

Implementing engagement tools at your practice doesn’t have to be a difficult feat, and it doesn’t have to involve an extraneous amount of work on behalf of your staff. Some of the less manual tools, however, may cost you a bit of money, but can do leaps and bounds for retention efforts. Here are some options…

Patient portals – Are you currently reporting for MIPS? If you are, implementing a patient portal (if you haven’t already) should be on your radar. This tool allows patients to view their health records, communicate securely with their care team, and even pay bills depending on the solution.

Automated Appointment Reminders – Taking this manual task away from your front office staff could lead to less no shows at your practice and more involved patients.

Patient Generated Health Data – Initially, this requires you to do nothing! This data is collected by the patient. Where you come in is figuring out how to interpret that data and utilize it for care plans and treatment.

There are plenty of tools available to help you engage with your patient base. What tools you implement depends solely on what your practice needs to accomplish and what type of feedback you are trying to collect.

Engaging Your Patients with MicroMD Solutions

At MicroMD, we have the solutions you need to help engage with your client base effectively and efficiently. From our patient portal solution, to our marketing vendor, and appointment reminder solutions, we have the tools to alleviate manual work at your practice. Some of the tools available that will help your practice gain insight from your patient base include…

For more information on how MicroMD integrated solutions can engage your patients, visit us here.


MicroMD PM

Cloud and on premise Practice Management

MicroMD PM simplifies patient management and revenue cycle from scheduling, registration, billing, claims management and collections.


Henry Schein Secure Chart

Patient Portal

Patient provider interaction
at your fingertips.



Cloud and on premise Electronic Medical Records

Full-featured, customizable ONC Certified EMR that accommodates a variety of specialties. Improve workflow, enhance care delivery and boost productivity.

Patient Engagement Resources


How Patient Portals are Changing the Way Physicians Interact with Patients


What is the Difference between Patient Engagement and Patient Experience?


Utilizing EHR Tools to Boost Patient Engagement


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