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Medical Claim Billing Software | MicroMD

Pratice Management

Medical Claim Billing Software

In-house medical claim billing software helps you save time and money while eliminating costly clearinghouses and medical billing services.

MicroMD Solutions, which includes MicroMD PM – medical practice management and MicroMD EMR – electronic medical records software, fully incorporate enhanced medical claim billing software to help you manage and operate your medical or surgical practice successfully.

Medical Claim Billing Software Helps Doctors Get Paid Faster

MicroMD medical claim billing software stays current with changing government regulations and managed care group (PPO) requirements. The software is designed to help reduce claim rejections and collect payments more efficiently for a faster accounts receivable.

The medical claim billing software submits claims electronically, helping to reduce payment times and costs for both insurance carriers and health care providers.

Access to All Billing Transactions

MicroMD medical billing software incorporates the highest level of security and data protection, yet all medical claim billing transaction details and patient financial overviews are readily accessible at all times including:

Charges Payments
Write-offs Adjustments
Refunds Aging

With electronic billing and claims processing, you can handle your own insurance claims and accounts receivables easily and efficiently. Obtain payments from insurance companies and patients successfully without compromising the time you need to manage your busy practice.

User-Friendly Medical Claim Billing Software

Like all MicroMD software products, the medical claim billing software is user friendly. Employee training and upgrading can be done quickly and efficiently.

Medical coding, fees, claims processing, billing and collections are all intuitively executed, reducing labor costs and improving your bottom line.

Fees for medical billing services can be quite expensive, especially if your depth of services includes medical claim billing, practice management reports and additional efforts to collect from patients and insurance carriers.

Utilizing MicroMD software systems streamlines billing operations; it’s like having your own medical claim billing software company without the added expense.

For More Information

Visit our MicroMD Solutions page for more information on all MicroMD products including MicroMD PM- Medical Practice Management, MicroMD EMR – Electronic Medical Records software, and Document Management.

To inquire about MicroMD EMR – Electronic Medical Records Software by Henry Schein, North America’s largest distributor of healthcare products and healthcare services to office-based practitioners, please call Toll Free at 1-800-624-8832.

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