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Dec 05

Top 3 Hiring Challenges in Healthcare

The largest projected workforce shortages will be in home health aides, nursing assistants, and lab technicians.

When it comes to hiring qualified employees at your practice, you might find that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find individuals fit for the job. The reasons for this hardship are not singular to your practice. Any organization requiring specialized employees in the healthcare sphere continue to experience the same issues. With that being said, what barriers exist that create such hardship with recruiting in healthcare? How can practices continue to staff their organizations with qualified employees? Let’s find out.

Decrease in Qualified Employees

As you may have noticed, a large portion of providers today are falling into retirement age faster than new physicians can replace them. This creates difficulty with hiring because the pool of candidates continues to shrink. If your organization finds themselves in dire need of hiring new staff, this may lead to hiring less than qualified staff members.

Have you discovered that you are pulling in new hires who do not fit your needs entirely out of necessity? Your practice should consider creating more enticing benefits. Medical professionals looking for new work may choose to come to you for work over the next practice due to your benefits package, time off, or other offerings.

Education or Experience?

If you had to choose… would you choose the employee who attended a better medical school, just graduated, and has a higher degree or an employee with more experience in a medical setting? How you answer this question steers your recruitment process. Most will say that they prefer a candidate who has a balance of the two of these things. This could mean a degree from a mid-level institution and several years of experience in the medical field. Choose a potential employee based around what is going to work at your organization and what holds value to your practice.

Inefficient Recruitment & On-boarding Process

Navigating through a practice can be difficult for new hires, especially if your on-boarding process is inefficient. If you have individual departments outside of your HR professional handling different segments of the hiring process, it’s possible that there are discrepancies happening in protocols. If everyone is not on the same page at your organization as to how the process works, the process will not work to its fullest potential.

A great way to move forward and avoid any miscommunications is to work through a recruitment process with your team or to utilize a recruitment tool or agency. TalentCare provides recruitment services for organizations in the healthcare sphere and can help your business thrive with qualified employees.

Recruiting qualified individuals for your practice is without a doubt more difficult than it may have been in the past. However, it is possible to find care team members who fit what your team’s needs.

Are you ready to learn more about Talentcare and how it can help you recruit new personnel for your practice? Visit us at or call us at 800-624-8832.

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